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Monday, November 8, 2010

First 9 Weeks Retrospective! (3rd - 5th Grade Edition)

Well, the blogging has been a bit lacking his year, but on the bright side, I have taken lots of pictures!!! Instead of backtracking through all of the work from August, how about a "retrospective" or "best of" from the first nine weeks with a whole hearted promise to be more diligent in the latter half of the semester? Deal!

Fifth Graders began the year like the other grades learning color theory, but THEY got to use paint! Here are some examples of their hand mixed color wheels:

Fourth Grade put their knowledge of color to use by creating warm/cool landscapes with oil pastels. The object of the lesson was to show how warm colors come forward in space and cool colors recede. The resulting landscapes were gorgeous!

Third Graders also learned about warm and cool colors, but they channeled their skills in a more geometric fashion. We discussed polygons and overlapping before the students began their abstract designs.

Things to keep an eye out for:
The Fifth Grade has been working on an interdisciplinary art project with social studies to create line patterns with the borders of US states. Next up...portraits!
In addition to color, Fourth Grade has been busy learning about line, pattern, mood, and portraits. They will delve into paint soon for their monochromatic portrait series.
Third Grade also studied line and pattern when they looked at Dutch artist, Piet Mondrian. They recreated his primary color paintings made from intersecting straight lines. This week, they began a self portrait project that focuses on Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo.
Stay tuned for info on Kindergarten through 2nd grade!