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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Carnival of the Animals!

In collaboration with Mr. Burns' music class, the First Grade classes created art that illustrated Camille Saint-Saens' Carnival of the Animals. First, the students used a "paste paper" technique to add color and texture to white paper. Then, they designed the pieces of various animals and sculpted them together to represent the animals in Saint-Saens' music. The animals were crafted by the following classes: Birds: Mrs. Camilla's Class. Elephants: Mrs. Jenny's class. Lions: Mrs. Rachel's Class. Mules: Mrs. Laura's Class. Roosters: Mrs. Jessica's Class. Fish: Mrs. Karen's Class.

Centennial Students participated in a county wide project to promote diversity and multiculturalism through the arts. See the projects in the posts below...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Multiculturalism and Diversity - 5th Grade

Math and Martin Luther King, Jr! Fifth grade artists were asked to take an 8 x 10 image of Martin Luther King, Jr. and recreate it 10 times bigger. That would normally be a piece of cake for our students, but there was a twist...the picture was cut into pieces, and the artists had to work together to make sure their work would turn out well. Using rulers, calculators, and teamwork, the kids created a VERY colorful portrait of Martin Luther King, Jr. that is almost 5 feet tall!

Multiculturalism and Diversity - 4th Grade

The Fourth Grade students drew realistic faces on papers in diverse skin tone color. When they were finished, the students were asked to reflect on the word "Peace" and what they could do to promote peace in their community. Then, the students wrote a sentence explaining what they could do around the perimeter of the face they drew. These faces were then used to spell out the word "Peace" in the hallway.

Multiculturalism and Diversity - 3rd Grade

After reading the book, Martin's Big Words, Third grade students reflecting on what Martin's "big words" were and what they meant. After investigating themes such as "hope", "love", "dream", "unity", and "family", the students used multicolored hands to hold the word of their choice. Finally, all of the hands were displayed holding "big words" to create a very inspiring display!

Multiculturalism and Diversity - 2nd Grade

Rosa Parks and the Montgomery bus strike was the focus of the Second Grade project. After studying how to draw a face, the children created faces with various skin tones to add in the windows of a school bus. We discussed how such a scene would not have been possible without the efforts of people like Rosa Parks and her supporters.

Multiculturalism and Diversity - Kindergarten

Kindergarten artists learned about the importance of working together and getting along with everyone regardless of differences by reading Dr. Suess' The Sneetches. In the story, some Sneetches have stars on their bellies and some do not. The Sneetches are too busy worrying about who is better to see that they are being tricked by the sneaky Sylvester McMonkey McBean. The children each made a point of a star that they could design however they chose. Then, the points were put together to make one large and diverse star.